Despite the fact that there is indisputable evidence that he was born in Hawaii (a STATE of the USA), and there is NO evidence to show that he was born elsewhere, this debacle is simply ridiculous. Look at this video from CNN International. Obama had to even release his long-form birth certificate even though he released his short-form birth certificate back in 2008.
Whatever many of you may think the reason is, some agree that this is only issue because our president is black. Yes, I said it. It is because he is a black man with an African father.
I know many people don't like to involve race in this issue, but I think it plays a big part. As far back as I could remember, I don't think any president's birth place has been questions but Barack Obama's. All because his last name is not your "typical American last name" does not mean he wasn't born in the United States. You don't have to be a Smith or a Johnson to be American; not all Smiths or Johnson are American.
What vexes me the most about this uncanny dilemma is that is it distracting people from the actual issues within the United States, like unequal education, urban/rural poverty, health care, and the list goes on. Americans, when are going to actually focus on the issues and not someone's religious or ethnic background and any other inborn attribute a person could have? We are a country of 300 million people of every single ethnic and social background on the planet. What really matters is what our president can do for the greater good of the country.
Again, I repeat, this is all because the president is black. I know there are some white people that would not like to hear this, and maybe I might even get some hate mail. But everyone, ask yourself, why is this an issue? Should it be an issue? Who is bringing it up? What is their purpose? I am sure once you find the answer, it would point to the fact that Obama is black and of direct African extraction.