Friday, January 20, 2012

Zara Opens in South Africa

 The first major (and fashionable) global clothing retailer to hit the African Continent is none other than Spanish retailer, Zara. According to Africa Review, the clothing giant is targeting the growing middle class in South Africa.

This is following Wal-Mart's big purchase of South African retailer Massmart, which has (or had) stores in 14 African countries.

Now, is the world finally beginning to see the growing economies of Africa, especially since now many African nations have economies with growth outpacing those with "developed" economies?

This looks like people are finally beginning to notice, after nearly a decade of sustained growth in several African countries, that this "dark continent" is not really as dark as many mainstream media sources try to make it seem. There is REAL potential on the continent - and now numbers are showing and businesses that are not fairing as well in the developed nations due to several economic woes are looking to places that they may see now (or again) as untamed lands.

There's really no taming to do, but really products to sell with people who are ready (with thick enough wallets) to buy them. Today, I read a few stories about Ghana and it's steady economic growth (which has been for beyond a decade) and the amount of people that have moved out of poverty, even though most of the economic growth is centered southern part of the nation and around Accra, it's commercial, financial and official capital. However, there are talks and things in the works to help even out the growth through the country.

Now that Africa is again the New Frontier (maybe that's too early to say), maybe the diversity of the continent will actually be seen.

It's Never Too Late to Say: "Happy New Year!"

After a nice long break, I'm back! There have been SEVERAL things in the news that have been going on in the black world since the last time, and here are a few highlights - some funny, some serious, and some just down right messy.

Obama Sings

All I can say is watch. As many of you may know, I'm not a Obama supporter, but I think all can admit this makes one chuckle at least a bit.

Etta James Dies at 73

The legendary Etta James passed this morning in Riverside, CA from complications with leukemia, according to an article posted by New York Times. Her name is currently a top trend on Twitter, along with her signature song, "At Last."

Promoter for Nas Held Hostage in Angola

Okay Africa posted a suspicious story about a New Year's Eve concert in Luanda which featured Nas. Nas didn't show up and instead was livin' it up in Miami. Apparently, someone is angry and demands the $300,000 payment for Nas's appearance to be repaid, and all additional expenses. Until that is repaid, the promoter (who is Angolan) will be held. Okay Africa has said that the details are kinda iffy, but I am sure they will have an update as soon as all the details are in order.

Zara Opens It's First Store on the African Continent

I have a more detailed analysis of this here, but in short, Zara opened it's first store on the continent in a posh mall in Johannesburg not too long ago, reported by Africa Review.

Pres. Wade Spends Millions to the Arts in Senegal

Arguably, this is a mess. The 85-year-old Senegalese president is has already spent several million dollars on what he's dubbed "Cultural Park." Most recently, the next addition to Cultural Park will be the Museum of Black Civilisations. Good note - this helps bring tourism and spreads awareness of the diversity of black cultures. Bad note - will this help elevate the many in Senegal that are living at or below the poverty level? We'll see. See more at Africa Review.