Thursday, August 26, 2010

The UN Has Pissed Me Off This Morning...

Supposedly, the UN has told BBC that they could have not stopped the rapes of nearly 200 women in the DR Congo last week because the did not know about it. That is SERIOUSLY the dumbest answer I have ever heard.

Many people who are familiar with the situation in the DR Congo know that women are raped almost daily in ways unimaginable to many around the world. The UN is no exception. You may have not be able to stop it, but are you saying you didn't know about it?

According to the article, there was some miscommunication somewhere along the line, but please read the article and tell me what you think about this boiling hot cesspool of a mess.

1 comment:

  1. This is just one face of evil which MUST be eradicated. It is sad but I'm not surprised by the UN statement.
